
screenshot of the table of contents for this analysis

Data Manipulation and Analysis

Analysis of living costs and wages using pre-existing datasets. Uses Python to scrape data and create graph visualizations for easier analysis.

4 screenshots of the app with the text "Orthotic Customization: Fitting the needs of people with disabilities with OneStar Design" in maroon.

Android App Development

Android Application built in Android Studio using Java. Empowers people with physical disabilities to choose their own design for braces and prosthetics. Gives a visualization of the braces and prosthetics.

home screen of the application with 5 buttons with corresponding icons labeled: Expiring Soon, My Inventory, My Shopping List, Recipes, Settings.

User-Centered Design

Functional HTML prototype of a kitchen application that tracks food and ingredients that are bought by the user. Users can search recipes and filter ingredients by expiration date and food categories.

the homepage of this website displays a dark yellow rectangle with the words "Terps Exercise Logger" and "Welcome to Terps Exercise Logger". There are three options for the user to click on: Exercise Search, Exercise Logger, History. A white table displays an explanation of how to use the website and the people who contributed to the website.

Website using API

An exercise tracking website that allows users to log their workouts. Also allows users to search up workouts based on the muscle group that they would like to exercise. Built with HTML, CSS, JS, MongoDB

closeup screenshot of the kiosk prototype's screens built in Adobe XD

Adobe XD Prototype

A redesign of the DMV Metro Kiosks that you find at stations when buying a card, checking the balance, or adding money to a pre-existing card. Created using Adobe XD

a girl dressed in a colorful, traditional Korean dress is taking a step out of a black and white photo of a historical Korean site

Design Poster

Design project aimed to showcase my personal definition of design. Created using Adobe Photoshop.